Parishes take part in postcard campaign


By Celine Klosterman

A national postcard campaign urging legislators to respect life and religious freedom takes on added importance with introduction of the Health Care Conscience Rights Act, said Glenn Leach, a diocesan social action department volunteer.
A dozen parishes in the Davenport Diocese have ordered about 4,700 English- and Spanish-language postcards asking Congressional representatives to “support and strengthen laws that (1) prevent federal funding and promotion of abortion, and (2) protect rights of conscience in health care.” The U.S. bishops and the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment are co-sponsoring the “Project Life and Liberty” postcard campaign.
Launched in February and slated to end in late March, the campaign coincides with the introduction of legislation March 4 to protect conscience rights for health-care workers and employers in light of the federal mandate requiring employers to cover contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs.

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