Respect all human life


To the Editor:
We are in the midst of a Year of Faith as designated by the Catholic Church. Let us hope that there will be no more lost little girls, no more classroom massacres and that Chicago will not have to report another 500 murders.
Some advocate for stricter gun and ammunition control; others perceive that mental health care is not readily available, and still others maintain that there is a gender problem since most atrocities are executed by young men or boys.
The basic problem, as I see it, is the total lack of respect for all human life. This has been promulgated by all three branches of government. Science proved that human life begins at conception, but the 1973 Supreme Court made abortion legal anyway.
Forty years later, technology has given us the visual proof. The Legislature has yet to pass a Human Life Amendment and a very pro-abortion president got reelected.
All life has value. All human life is made in the image and likeness of God and destined for eternal life with our Creator. May the year 2013 bring about a sincere cultural change with respect for the dignity of every human, born or unborn.
Edna Brunkhorst

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