Annual Diocesan Appeal at 99 percent of goal


By Barb Arland-Fye

An usher collects money during the offertory in this file photo. Parishes throughout the Diocese of Davenport have been collecting for the Annual Diocesan Appeal. The appeal is currently at 99 percent of its goal.

Many of the Davenport Diocese’s 80 parishes have completed their Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) campaigns, with 43 meeting or exceeding goals that contribute to the well-being of the diocese and parishes.
To date, the diocese has reached 99 percent of its $2,880,276 goal with $2,864,470 in pledges recorded. On average, 31.3 percent of households have pledged toward the 2012-13 ADA, said Development Director Sister Laura Goedken, OP.
“Our parishioners who participate in the campaign are helping the diocese fulfill its mission of being a eucharistic community that strives to live out the call of Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations and to love God and neighbor,” Sr. Goedken said. “Donations to the Annual Diocesan Appeal make possible seminary education and deacon formation. They provide the resources for the diocese to assist parishes with faith formation, to promote Catholic education and apply social justice principles to all we do.”
St. Mary Parish in Iowa City achieved 107 percent of its goal by promoting the ADA “within a larger and ongoing stewardship awareness effort, diocesan promotional materials and a letter from the pastor and parish directors mailed to all registered households,” said Father John Spiegel, pastor. He also appealed to parishioners in a Sunday statement focused on an annual stewardship message “in behalf of our diocesan annual budget.”
The diocese followed up with a mailing to parishioners who had contributed to past ADA appeals but hadn’t responded to this year’s appeal. The parish sent a second mailing calling for support from all households who had not yet responded. As a result, 25 percent of St. Mary parishioners pledged $118,391, or 107 percent toward the parish’s $110,353 goal.
Conveying an ongoing stewardship message of time, talent and treasure and encouraging a disciple’s response to full promotion of one’s parish and diocesan responsibilities made a difference, Fr. Spiegel said. Diocesan support also made an impact. “This is the first time that the diocese came forward to share a follow-up call for support after the initial presentation of the campaign.

To read the rest of this article and see a chart of all 80 parishes’ ADA progress, subscribe to The Catholic Messenger’s e-edition.

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