Vote pro-life


To the Editor:
This country may believe that a woman has a “choice” to have an abortion and that we are providing a “safe, legal and rare” service but, as a post-abortive woman whose vocation is to help those who have had abortions, I can, without a doubt, say that abortion may be legal, but it is NOT safe and certainly NOT rare and not viewed as a “choice” by thousands of post-abortive women.
The hundreds of post-abortive women that I have worked with over the years  never felt they had a “choice” — that word’s meaning has been distorted by a pro-choice agenda— a word that is so flippantly and carelessly tossed around.
Women throughout this country say they were lied to. They were told their babies were globs of tissue — but they found out that was a lie when they were sent home to deliver their dead babies. They were told they could leave the abortion behind them, go on with their lives but for years they suffered from flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, depression, relational problems, intense grief and more. If we are going to be a country that promotes abortion, well then let’s be sure women are told the truth about abortion.  As far as voting, we must often, in our choices in electing government officials, make difficult decisions regarding what we view as right or wrong.
However, supporting an unjust law — one that allows killing an unborn child and lying to women that it “is a simple procedure without long-term physical, emotional and spiritual consequences” is a moral wrong. I will not, nor cannot, vote for any party that supports and funds such an intrinsic evil.
Nancy Menzies-Kreuzer
Glen Ellyn, Ill.

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