To the Editor:
First, I wish to thank all who prayed for me during my six-plus-weeks’ hospital stay after an accident. That gave me a lot of time to reflect on Catholic matters, especially the upcoming election.
My reflection and reading convinced me that we Catholics need to vote with an informed conscience. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a document, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” a few years ago where the bishops applied Church teaching to major issues and discussed the political responsibility that all Catholics share.
This year, the bishops added six priority issues in the introductory note of Faithful Citizenship: the protection of life from conception to natural death; religious liberty; efforts to redefine marriage; the economic crisis; immigration reform and international justice and peace.
The first thing one needs to do is pray for discernment, wisdom, prudence and a genuine concern for human dignity and the common good. The above concepts should make it clear how to grade candidates for political office. Then vote for the candidate with the best grade.
Charlie Burke