To the Editor:
I guess if Father Bud Grant can “grade” the political parties in his “Forming consciences before voting” article, so can I. I would give the Democratic party an F- for the planks in its platform concerning the sanctity of marriage and protecting the unborn. The Republican party would earn an A for the planks in its party concerning the sanctity of marriage and protecting the unborn. I am not telling anyone how to vote, but I am asking Catholics to look at the records of the candidates and see which ones adhere to the teachings of the Church.
I think an unborn child would rather that I “violate the sanctity of (my) own conscience” and vote for a pro-life candidate and not be as concerned about a party that removed the words “climate change” from its platform.
I feel in his column, Fr. Grant “deviously undermines the Catholic Church’s insistence on the moral authority of our conscience even while claiming to affirm it.” Cardinal Timothy Dolan, in his prayer given at the close of the political conventions, stated: “Thus do we praise you for the gift of life. Grant us the courage to defend it — LIFE — without which no other rights are secure.”
Fr. Grant talks about environmental crises and sustainability, “much of it caused by humans.” But none of these crises matter if we are not guaranteed the right to life. Who knows, Father, maybe the ones God sent to help us solve the environmental problems you seem so concerned about were aborted.
Karen Crossland
St. Mary Parish, Fairfield