Carmelite foundress venerable


By Sr. Lois Baniewicz, O.Carm.
For The Catholic Messenger

M. McCrory

It was a joyful day on June 28 when we got the news that Mother Angeline Teresa McCrory, O.Carm.,was declared venerable by the Holy Father.
Mother McCrory founded the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm in Germantown, N.Y. She sent members of the community to serve at the Kahl Home in Davenport.
Mother visited the Kahl Home on a number of occasions, as she had the custom of visiting each mission yearly. It was always a joy to have Mother visit; she took the time to see each Sister and was interested in them and concerned about their families. She was always very kind, thoughtful and practical. You knew you were in the presence of a special person, who was close to God.
All the Sisters living at the Kahl Home had the privilege of knowing Mother McCrory. We all remember receiving our religious names from her.  She would meet with each Sister and ask her what name she wanted and why she chose the name; she would write the new name on a card and hand it the Sister.
Mother always told the Sister to be kinder than kindness itself, and that it was always better to err on the side of kindness. Mother had great devotion to the Eucharist; her greatest joy when a new Home opened was that there was another tabernacle for the Lord. She died on her 91st birthday in 1984.

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