Mount Pleasant parish to offer mission


MOUNT PLEASANT – St. Alphonsus Parish, 607 S. Jackson St., welcomes all Catholics to a parish mission titled “Uniting Our Community in Faith” Aug. 5-8. Father Andy Meiners, a Redemptorist priest from Liguori, Mo., will lead four evenings of prayer, singing and reflections.
All evenings begin at 7 p.m. Schedule of themes follows:
• Aug. 5: “The Bible is the Living Word of God that Proclaims Our Salvation.” The evening’s symbol is the Bible, representing God’s communications to all people.
• Aug. 6: “The Ultimate Statement of God’s Love for Us is Jesus.” Symbol is the cross, representing Jesus’ way of life through death.
• Aug. 7: “Reconciliation and Healing.” The evening’s symbol is the Easter candle, representing the risen Jesus, Lord of light and healing.
• Aug. 8: “Eucharist: One with Christ and Our Brothers and Sisters.” Symbols are bread and wine, representing Jesus, bread of life.
Transportation, liturgy for children and childcare will be available by reservation. Refreshments will follow each service.
For more information or reservations, call St. Alphonsus Parish at (319) 385-8410.

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