Educate yourself on new missal


A short year ago, our diocese, and Bishop Martin Amos in particular, provided many opportunities and encouraged us all to deepen our understanding of the liturgy as we prepared for implementation of the new Roman Missal. 

Preparation in our parish included a history of the Roman Missal from the early days of the Church through today.  Understanding that history makes it much easier to understand why we have a new Roman Missal.  Understanding that history, and engaging in full, conscious, active participation can also help lead us to a renewal of our liturgical life.

In the Oct. 27 Catholic Messenger, it was disheartening to read “Latin is not original language of the Bible” in the Readers’ Opinions section. With a combination of just enough misinformation, and just enough irrelevant information, the writer attempted to make a case for why liturgy changes are a bad thing. The information in the writer’s letter has little to do with the history of the Roman Missal. That, however, is not why I am disheartened.

With all of the changes we have experienced since Vatican II, this is the one change where we have had more than ample opportunity for catechesis.  This is the one change when we have had more than ample time for preparation. This is the one change where we have the opportunity to renew our liturgical life; to grab it and run with it! Yet some choose to squander the opportunity.


It is not too late. Go to the diocesan website, Google Paul Turner.  Pick up reading material from your church. This is an opportunity!  Please do not squander it!

Ken Miller

St. John Vianney Parish, Bettendorf

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