Churches to host pilot post-CEW retreats


The Advisory Board for Christian Experience Weekends from the Archdiocese of Dubuque and spiritual director Mary Gannon Kaufmann from Cedar Rapids have developed an experience to address “what’s next” after a CEW weekend. The new retreat is called “Spirit Alive: A Charism Experience Weekend.” 

Two pilot weekends are slated in the Davenport Diocese: Oct. 14-15 at St. Patrick Church in Iowa City and Nov. 11-12 at Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace Church in Clinton.

The retreat is for people who want a living relationship with Jesus and to discover their unique spiritual gifts. Participants will learn a style of Ignatian prayer and discernment and discover a strategy for working and praying with their wounds or trouble spots to facilitate a freer, fuller life.

The weekend is for both men and women. The retreat runs Friday from 6:30-9:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Go to to register or to download and mail in the hard-copy brochure. For more information, contact Kaufmann at or (319) 431-8764.

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