Support Annual Diocesan Appeal


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am deeply grateful for your generosity to your local parish, to our capital campaign and to the diocese. Your gifts enable us to minister with you to promote the mission of your parish, our diocese and the universal Church.

Many demands are made on our resources, especially in these difficult economic times. It is with prayer and faith in the providence of God that we are able to rise above these economic challenges.

I am writing to ask for your generosity to our Annual Diocesan Appeal. Through the appeal we educate our seminarians and our deacon candidates. We provide services to our parishes and to individuals in the areas of Church life, family life, faith formation, Catholic schools, social action, liturgy and so much more. The appeal enables us to continue our present ministries and respond to new needs as we are able. 


Along with my staff, our clergy, religious and leadership of the diocese, I am committed to serve you as together we grow as a eucharistic community. Let us continue to pray for one another and our Church.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Rev. Martin Amos

Bishop of Davenport

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