Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Center in Wheatland will offer the following retreats:
• “Where Two or Three are Gathered” is a retreat to finding ways to live the call to community in today’s world. Corinne Winter of St. Ambrose University will offer this retreat from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 13.
At one time extended families, small towns and neighborhoods may have provided more obvious ways to share lives, to make human connections. Today’s world seems to offer a much more fragmented model for human life, leading many to search for some form of community. Through presentations and personal and shared reflections, participants will explore the concept of intentional community and a number of practical ideas for its implementation.
Cost is $15 and includes lunch.
Winter has taught theology at St. Ambrose University since 1994 and has been a frequent instructor in the Davenport Diocese’s Ministry Formation Program since 1997. She also teaches in the Master of Pastoral Theology program which serves, among others, the candidates for permanent diaconate of the Davenport Diocese.
• “Come to the Quiet,” a summer silent retreat, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. July 20.
Set aside your hectic pace and routine to listen to the inner needs of your heart and soul. Enjoy the silence of a summer day while you pray, meditate, read, walk or just sit in the quiet beauty of The Prairie. This day is yours but the time includes short opening and closing prayers together. Sessions with a spiritual director are available.
Cost is $15 and includes lunch. A separate fee is paid directly to the director.
To register for either of these programs or for more information, call (563) 336-8414 or email olpretreat@gmail.com. Visit www.chmiowa.org.