Sponsorships sought for golf outing benefit


DAVENPORT — Sponsorships are being solicited for the 2011 Father Ken Martin Golf Outing and Dinner on Aug. 31.

This marks the 23rd anniversary for the event that raises funds for tuition assistance for families facing crisis or emergency situations and who have children attending a K-12 Catholic school in Scott County.  

The golf outing will be held at Emeis Golf Course in Davenport.  The dinner, available to golfers and non-golfers, will follow at the Knights of Columbus Hall.  

Fr. Martin served as a priest in the Diocese of Davenport until he died in 1986. He left a $1,000 bequest for his “buddies” to have a golf outing. That group created the fundraising event the following year in his memory, and, to date, over $250,000 has been raised to benefit Catholic schools.  


Registration leaflets for this year’s outing will be provided as inserts in one of the July bulletins at parishes in Davenport and Bettendorf.   

To help sponsor the event, contact Jim Tiedje at (309) 743-7746 (work) or (563) 391-2820 (home).

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