DES MOINES — The annual Prayer for Life event, co-sponsored by the Iowa Catholic Conference, will be held Tuesday, Feb. 8. The day kicks off at 9:30 a.m. at the Catholic Pastoral Center in Des Moines. The Catholic Pastoral Center is at 601 Grand Ave. Parking is available nearby in city ramps.
The main speaker is Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic manager who resigned after assisting in the performance of an abortion and viewing the baby on ultrasound. Since then, she has been traveling the country sharing her story and motivating others to continue the pro-life fight.
Following a training session and lunch, participants will be invited to go to the Capitol to meet their legislator and then participate in a rally in the rotunda at 3 p.m. There will be a suggested donation for lunch. Please RSVP by calling Iowa Right to Life at (515) 244-1012 or e-mailing