Seton Montesorri Preschool has a very generous and loving group of children. The children were so excited to share the joy of giving this season. Morning and afternoon classes worked together to prepare a wonderful “Thank you, God Dinner” for students’ families this Thanksgiving. Thanks to the generosity of parents and families, the preschool community was able to give to others with all of the proceeds.
The class decided it would be so much fun to take the proceeds and purchase toys for children who are less fortunate. Children very much enjoyed the experience of going on a field trip to a local department store to pick out all of the wonderful toys that they felt children would love. All the toys were donated to the local Salvation Army.
Each day at preschool children thank God for the blessings they have and pray for those who are less fortunate. The Lord shines in the students of Seton Montessori Preschool!