By Diane Otto
This year several very cuddly stuffed animal lions have joined the library and will add much to the “Wild About Reading” year-long theme. Happy Bear (the mascot) was decked out in a leaf outfit to show support for the theme as well.
With the change of the season, Happy Bear is ready for Halloween (dressed as an angel of the Lord) and trying to encourage the students to read, read, read! Some scarecrows stopped by as well — their message is to “Get Caught in a Frightfully Good Read!”
October is a special month for many reasons. One of those reasons is October is Respect Life Month. At a Catholic school, the library is free to express love of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and is free to honor Mary, the mother of Jesus.
A library birthday book program is in place again this year thanks to Courtyard Books & Gifts in Keokuk. Each time a hardbound book is purchased for the Keokuk Catholic Schools library at Courtyard Books, the owners donate another hardbound book to the library as well! This program has brought numerous additions to the library.
The library is a great resource to the whole school! It welcomes visitors.