Events scheduled at retreat center


DAVENPORT – The following events are slated at Eagles Wings’ Counseling and Retreat Centers, 5816 Telegraph Road:

• Oct. 14, 11:30-1 p.m.: Lessons with Lunch. Bring your sack lunch and enjoy a lesson. You might sample a fresh-baked cookie! This month Cyndi will present the lesson, “The Power in the Tongue — Blessing or Curse.” Come and learn the power of the words we speak. No registration needed. Just bring yourself, a friend and your sack lunch. Freewill offerings will be accepted.

• Oct. 15, 16, 17: “The Power of Virtue” men’s retreat. While society talks more about values today, men who truly want to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives at home, church and in the community will find their success in virtue. The weekend will include a time for quiet reflection, interaction, opportunity for reconciliation and Mass. The retreat begins at 7 p.m. Friday and concludes at 4 p.m. Sunday. Registration is $135. To register or for more information, call (563) 324-7263.

• Oct. 22, 7 p.m.: Soaking with a Purpose (SWAP) prayer meeting.


• Oct. 23, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Prophetic Art Day. Cyndi will lead this opportunity to express the Holy Spirit’s move in a new and beautiful way. Bring a sack lunch. Artistic ability is not needed. Registration is $35, supplies are $7.

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