Corn is essential to Iowa’s economy


In regard to the column by Father Bud Grant (March 18 Catholic Messenger), I just want to give a quick Ag 101 class.

First, corn is very essential to Iowa’s economy. Other very important commodities that are produced in Iowa are soybeans; grains, such as wheat, rye, oats and sorghum; along with vegetables, melons, berries, vineyards and orchards; plus dairy products, poultry and eggs, beef, swine, sheep and goats; plus our hay crops of alfalfa, clover, timothy, etc., equivalent to prairie grass.

When the pioneers crossed the Mississippi River they saw lush prairies and knew at once this was a place they could settle and feed and care for their families. God created Iowa with very rich, productive soil. With the sweat of their brows, the pioneers cleared the land and turned the sod to raise crops. They cared deeply for the land and still do as this is the means of their livelihood. Farming is another occupation in which we work very closely with God.

Get on the Internet and “Google” corn to learn the facts about what corn and agriculture do for Iowa and our environment.


Social action seems to be the prominent issue in our Catholic Church now. Where is the social justice for the farmer? Oh well, there’s only a “very few,” so why worry. If we in Iowa have the worst ecosystem in North America, I suggest you move to Los Angeles or San Francisco. One other note — you will never see a volunteer bean in a corn field. Remember, no farms, no food, unless you just buy your food at the grocery store.

A very proud and thankful Iowan.

Joyce Gauger

West Liberty

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