Truths should not be confused with opinions. Father Richard McBrien for many years has confused his readership with his opinions.
I’m not interested in his opinions. When I write in with a question or go to The Catholic Messenger for answers, I want truths. I want the truth that the Catholic Church teaches, not everyone’s opinions!
If people don’t agree with the truths of the Catholic Church, then they need to look elsewhere. It’s sad that we have to tiptoe around and be careful of what we say because we don’t want to offend someone with what the church actually teaches.
People write in with questions, and they get a half-rendition of what the church teaches mixed in with a lot of opinion and ways to go against the church. No wonder no one knows their faith these days.
I understand if there are people who don’t agree with the church; those people need to be doing a lot of praying and make some hard decisions on whether they should still be in it. There are other churches out there that can give them what they want, but they won’t have the truth.
I love the Catholic Church and all that it stands for. I converted to Catholicism because of it, and it pains me to see so many people not understand their faith, or even want to know the truths behind it, or be obedient to the truths.
Julie Oliger