I have read Father Richard McBrien for years, wondering if, in this world of complacent cafeteria Catholics, he truly believes all he writes, or is he sometimes trying merely to ignite a spark?
His recent article regarding the adoration of the Eucharist has certainly provided that spark.
If Fr. McBrien believes what he has written, so be it. Let’s not ask to remove him from the Messenger simply because he may be a contemporary prodigal son who apparently has become so enamored with his God-given intellect, he has allowed that intellect to falsely reason not to praise the same God from whom he received it! Besides, like us all, Fr. McBrien does have some Truth in him and, from time to time, that Truth is conveyed in his articles.
Coupled with a penchant for stirring things up, Fr. McBrien may, through the power of the Holy Spirit, be using his intellect up to do just that, stir us up. I know we need it; most Catholics would probably agree we do, and the Lord knows we do!
No, we should pray. Not only for Fr. McBrien, but for anyone who not only doesn’t believe in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, but who may not adore him in whatever form he is in. Those of us who acknowledge the Truth, in all its forms, feel sadness for the ignorance of those who don’t.
God has blessed us all, so much so that many have become blind to these blessings and turned them into something less, like expected rewards, or, as some may accuse Fr. McBrien of, results of our own works apart from God.
Fr. McBrien’s articles aren’t the worse things we need to be concerned with.
Brent Earley