Obama, veto bills that would rationalize killing


(This letter is addressed to President Obama.)

Like you, there are two children in my family. One child, Peter, came into the world through me. Our other child, Brigit, was born in Vietnam. Fortunately for her, she wasn’t aborted, although abortion rates are very high in that country.

Instead, another woman chose to give birth to Brigit and leave her at the hospital. Thousands of miles away I knew my sweet girl was in the world because she appeared in my dreams. The adoption process took nine months and felt similar to the birth process.

Today, both of these children are talented. We expect that they can achieve great things. It is terrifying to think that Brigit, 9, could have been aborted.


I am writing to ask that you change your pre-election position. Put a stop to the so-called Freedom of Choice Act. We are not morally “free” to violate the lives of others.

Abortion is (most often) the result of other sins. As society increasingly justifies using sex merely for pleasure, abortion also needs to be justified. One rationalization leads to another. And FOCA continues to advance the level of sin. Now our society wants to kill unwanted babies as they are being born.

My husband will jokingly say, “I believe in abortion. But only until the fetus is 12 years old. After that, it’s a human … although maybe we should re-think that now that we have a teenager in the house.”

His words would be funny if they weren’t prophetic. Sin begets ever more grievous sin. Who will we justify killing next? Seniors? The disabled? Jews? Christians? History is filled with evidence of how one rationalization leads to another.

Let’s expose abortion for what it is, murder of the most innocent. Please veto all bills that would rationalize killing.

Judith Costello

Moriarty, N.M.


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