Bishop Dennis Walsh stands in front of a lighthouse outside Our Lady of the River Parish in LeClaire. This year’s Catholic Messenger drive theme is ‘Illuminating hope for all.’
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Last month, I celebrated Mass at the Iowa State Penitentiary in Fort Madison to bring the love of Christ, who is our hope, to the men inside. The Holy Father asks us to “abound in hope,” to “bear credible and attractive witness to the faith and love that dwell in our hearts” as we journey through this Jubilee Year, which has as its theme, “Pilgrims of Hope.”
The Catholic Messenger, which provided coverage of the Mass in the prison, is chronicling our journey as Pilgrims of Hope in the Diocese of Davenport. Through its multimedia platform — print, e-edition, website, podcasts, e-newsletter and social media — The Catholic Messenger is committed to illuminating hope along the way in its mission to educate, inform, and inspire.
Throughout its 143-year history, The Catholic Messenger has adapted and responded to the communication needs of the faithful of our diocese. Its longevity is proof that the publication is an effective resource for conveying the lived experience of Catholics as we go out and share the Good News with others.
As the bishop’s publication, The Catholic Messenger communicates news of the diocese to parishes and shares their stories with a broad audience. Our diocesan newspaper is an effective, economical communication tool that connects us to the Good News of Jesus Christ as lived out in our local Church and universal Church. Check out The Catholic Messenger’s website at www.catholicmessenger.net, which is the gateway to the publication’s media platforms, including the e-edition.
This weekend, parishes kick off the 2025 subscription drive. To help encourage more people to subscribe, The Catholic Messenger will provide free access to the e-edition from now until Feb. 15. No other media, print or digital, covers the Catholic Church in our diocese with the expertise and integrity of The Catholic Messenger. It is a real value at $30 per year for 50 issues — print, e-edition or both. Watch for the subscription drive in your parish.
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Rev. Dennis G. Walsh
Bishop of Davenport