Tribute to Pacem in Terris winner Fr. Gutierrez

Anne Marie Amacher
Dominican Father Gustavo Gutiérrez speaks in Christ the King Chapel on the St. Ambrose University campus in this 2016 photo after receiving the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award.

By Kent Ferris
For The Catholic Messenger

“To truly serve the poor, one must be in relationship with the poor. It is through friendship that people become equals. And if we first respect a person as an equal, then can we recognize the human dignity of the poor.” –— Father Gustavo Gutierrez, OP


Upon hearing the news of the death of Father Gustavo Gutierrez, OP, I went back and re-read The Catholic Messenger coverage of Father Gutierrez receiving the Pacem in Terris Award back in 2016. He was with us for a short time that evening in Septem­ber but his visit meant a lot to those who heard him speak and had the opportunity to meet him.

Father George McDaniel, a retired diocesan priest, had been a longtime advocate of honoring Father Gutierrez. Father Chuck Adam (now pastor of St. Thomas More Parish-Coralville) learned that the Dominican theologian would be in Chicago for another speaking engagement, which made it possible to bring him to the Quad Cities to accept the Pacem in Terris Award. Though many years have passed, I want to thank both of our priests for their help in getting Father Gutierrez here.


I also want to thank Sister Caridad Inda, a member of the Congregation of the Humility of Mary, based in Davenport, who years earlier assisted Father Gutierrez by providing the English translation of “A Theology of Liberation.”

One of the most amazing moments the night of the award ceremony was to see all the Christian ministers from other denominations standing in line to meet Father Gutierrez and to have him autograph their copies of his book, which they had studied as seminarians. “A Theology of Liberation” was a gift to all of Christianity.

This reflection looks more like a thank you list to those here locally who helped in some way to honor the esteemed theologian. I also want to thank Father Gustavo Gutierrez, who beautifully expressed the preferential option for the poor by teaching how relationship moving to friendship resulting in respect for another as an equal can shape our response to the plight of the poor. The legacy of Father Gutierrez lives on.

(Deacon Kent Ferris is the director of Social Action and Catholic Charities for the Davenport Diocese.)

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