The countless ways that God can show up in our lives


By Jenna Ebener
A reflection

Recently, I have been reflecting on little moments that have struck me in a profound way. While I have thought of many examples, I want to focus on three moments.

At the start of each school year, I make a video showcasing some of my facility dog’s incredible skills. As I rewatch the video I just made, I notice Gregory’s obvious passion for his work. Each clip is different, yet each shows Gregory’s zest for life no matter what activity he is doing. His body language shows how much he loves people. He fulfills countless people each day, yet all he focuses on is being himself in the present moment.

The second moment came to me while working on my spiritual autobiography. As I reflected on the various types of Catholic retreats I loved attending in high school and college, I remembered the transformative power of a faith community. My sophomore year of high school, I was introduced to Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) retreats. Over the next few years, I was a part of many TEC teams. My favorite part was always on day two. On the second night, the team would walk into the gym and be surprised by an entire community of previous TEC-ites, young and old. Line dancing, skits and songs filled the night. Just when the current TEC-ites thought it was over, the true magic occurred.


While the TEC-ites moved to the church and gazed at the cross singing “Kumbaya my Lord,” the entire community snuck in behind them. Inside the filled church, the TEC-ites were told to turn around and greet their TEC family. They were surprised every time; I know I was. Then they went from person to person and received a warm hug. All the while, the community sang “Jesus, Jesus can I tell you how I feel? You have given me your spirit. I love you so.” We hugged and sang repeatedly, singing in overlapping rounds. As I wrote this reflection, I realized the power that moment had on me. I attended my first TEC retreat over 16 years ago and still sing that song to God every night.

The last moment revolves around the Olympics. While watching the world’s best athletes is mesmerizing, what struck me during this year’s Olympics are the backstories. So many of these elite athletes have complex histories filled with years of training, past trauma, mental health battles, injuries and illnesses. Yet, they keep going. I have especially loved watching the moment when they show life has been worth the pain and setbacks. Sometimes it is in an exuberant smile after a particularly difficult move or a victory. Other times it is during an interview or on the podium as the national anthem is played. While the victory or effort does not erase their previous pain, I hope it makes the victory sweeter and more meaningful.

What do these three moments have in common? While each moment is different, they remind me of the countless ways God can show up in our daily life. Sometimes it is the result of a direct interaction with others or a memory of such a time. Other times it is simply watching someone, even an animal, live life to the fullest no matter the barriers.

Through it all, I see the beauty of God shining through as God’s creation lives out the life that God intended. What are the moments that cause you to pause and notice God? How is God shining through you? “I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see them. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?” (Jeremiah 23: 23-24).

(Jenna Ebener, a graduate of St. Ambrose University in Davenport, is a social worker at a school in Colorado for students with a combination of medical, cognitive and behavior disabilities. She relies on God every day to aid her on this wonderful, yet intense journey.)

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