QC Revival to focus on evangelization, adoration


For The Catholic Messenger


DAVENPORT — Quad City Catholic Young Adults is inviting Catholics and non-Catholics of all ages to a QC Revival Sept. 14 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the LeClaire Park band shell on the Mississippi Riverfront. The event focuses on evangelization and eucharistic adoration, said Mitch Narvasa, pastoral associate for evangelization at St. John Vianney Parish-Bettendorf. He also is with QC Catholic Young Adults.

Fr. Hennen

The evening begins with exposition of the Eucharist led by Father Thom Hennen, pastor of Sacred Heart Cathedral, and closes with benediction at 8:30 p.m. “You are welcome to come any time and stay as long or short as you want,” said Narvasa. “Praise and worship music will aid us in worship throughout the evening and four local priests will offer to hear confessions.”

Regarding the evangelization focus, Narvasa said, “We have been commanded by Christ to ‘go out and make disciples of all nations’ (Mark 28:19). It begins right here in our community. It begins with a single invitation. Although sharing our faith can be uncomfortable, it is an essential part of our lives in the Church and this (event) is the perfect opportunity to grow in our roles as evangelists.”


“In this spirit, we will have teams of young adults going out on the streets, two by two, to invite others to join us in prayer throughout the event,” he said. “However, we are asking you to participate in this mission as well. We encourage you to think of at least one person in your life who would benefit from this experience and invite them to come with you.”

People who are not Catholic will have the opportunity to speak with a deacon and receive spiritual direction. “We will provide short reflections to guide people in prayer and candles to light for their intentions,” he said. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs to sit on because seating at LeClaire Park is limited.

The National Eucharistic Congress and Eucharistic Revival inspired the QC Revival, Narvasa said. “Our desire is to cultivate a posture of reverence within ourselves and facilitate an encounter with Christ for those in our community. We believe as Catholics that our Lord and Savior is truly present in the Eucharist and the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’ tells us that ‘the Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life’ (1324). Let us respond to this truth and make the Eucharistic Lord the focal point of our faith!”

“For a Eucharistic revival to grow in our Church, we must nurture love and devotion within ourselves to the God who comes to meet us in our physical reality. This night is an opportunity to do this! Come and adore, spend time with Christ, and use this night to share your faith with someone in your life,” he said. “This is a great opportunity for all parishioners to come and pray, for parents and children to witness a beautiful Catholic service in a public space.” In case of rain, the revival will be canceled or postponed.

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