Letters to the Editor – Aug. 29, 2024


Kermes/Carnival supports McAnthony Window

To the Editor:

Tucked away off Main and Fourth streets in Davenport, you wouldn’t necessarily know what goes on behind St. Anthony’s Church at McAnthony Window. What started with handing out sandwiches through a sliding window like at McDonald’s became known as the McAnthony Window in 1987 and the ministry continues today.

McAnthony Window served a remarkable 33,402 meals in 2023, an increase of 19% from 2022. The food pantry fed 65,293 individuals and their family members (numbers include persons who come multiple times during the year). That is a 25% increase over last year in the number of people fed through the food pantry. McAnthony Window also distributed nearly 25,000 bus tokens to help people get to work, make doctor appointments and take care of necessary business. We can’t even count how many clothes, shoes and blankets were distributed.


In recent years, McAnthony Window has pivoted to offer courses in personal finance, job coaching and building conscientiousness. In addition, men’s and women’s support groups and AA meetings during McAnthony Window hours seek to offer more than a handout. Our regular outreach programs at Scott County Jail allow us to enter into and positively affect the cycle of incarceration.

McAnthony Window is a massive endeavor of love seeking to change lives. You can help by planning to attend St. Anthony’s Kermes/Carnival on Sunday, Sept. 8, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Main Street, in front of the church, will be filled with authentic Mexican food, entertainment and fun for the entire family. Your support of this event will help change lives as all proceeds go to McAnthony Window. For more information, call 563-322-3303.

John Cooper, Pastoral Associate
St. Anthony Church, Davenport 

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