Chancery Profiles: Trevor Pullinger


Name: Trevor Pullinger
Job title: Director of Faith Formation and Catechesis Coordinator
Contact information:, 563-888-4244


What is your role for the Chancery? My role has two parts. I direct the Office of Faith Formation, which includes strategic planning and development in a way that responds to the needs of parishes and households. I also coordinate support to parishes and support to families and households in the sacred duty of modeling and witnessing the friendship that Jesus shares with us all as well as sharing the reasons for our hope in him. Catechesis in this context means all ages and stages from children’s formation, to youth ministry, to adult formation and beyond. The ultimate task is no different. 
What do you find most rewarding about your position? Most of all, I love visiting parishes and coming to know communities across the diocese.
What do you find most challenging about your position? Prioritizing various demands on schedule and getting the work done that needs to be done for effective ministry can be a challenge. Much of this means making a conscious effort of focusing on the sacredness of the person in front of me and in those I need to go out and visit! I accept the challenges with joy!
What question do people most often ask you? I get a lot of questions about the best approach to catechizing a particular group of people. It is essential to remain centered on Jesus no matter the topic. Be well versed and rooted in sharing the kerygma in your own words. Focus on relationship and empower everyone in the parish to be involved. These are three top ways to not only “teach” effectively but to model the friendship Jesus built with his disciples.

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