Letters to the Editor – April 11, 2024


Making Mass physically accessible
To the Editor:
My husband has been ill and can’t walk far and I injured my back and can’t walk far. For the first time ever I came to realize that if you can only walk a limited distance attending Mass can be difficult. Two times we went to Mass only to find that the limited handicapped parking spaces were taken and there were no spaces available that we could walk from. One of those times we went 15 minutes early to try to find parking.

As our church community ages, are we, as parishes, giving thought to how we can assist our elderly in attending Mass as long as possible? Perhaps Easter season was a perfect time for me to discover what aging can mean for so many people. I think most parishes have a limited number of handicapped spaces and the rest of us often take the closest spaces we can find no matter what our physical capabilities are. Father (Marvin) Mottet once told me that the times when he suffered he thought it brought him closer to Jesus and his suffering on the cross. I hope that my letter might make other parishes and parishioners aware that we may be able to allow more to come to Mass with some planning.  
Loxi Hopkins

Giving thanks for our priests
To the Editor:
This is the time of happy Easter greetings to one and all. Now as this Easter season is upon us, I think it is time to thank not only Jesus Christ for his suffering, death and resurrection but also to thank all of the priests in the Diocese of Davenport and all over the world for their dedication.

This season is very special. The priest is dedicated and his hands are consecrated to bring Jesus in the Eucharist and to give absolution for our sins in the sacrament of penance/reconciliation, to mention just two of the sacraments.


Keep your priest in your prayers and maybe express an action of gratitude. I pray that God bless every priest I meet, every priest I have met and every priest who has celebrated the Eucharist for the benefit of all of us.
William Grothus

Inspired by homily
To the Editor:
Thank you Father Joseph Phung for your beautiful Easter thoughts (The Catholic Messenger, 4-4-24). Your life is to be cherished: from your days in South Vietnam to your coming to the U.S. to being with us in the Diocese of Davenport. May God continue to bless you, and us, with your priestly presence and ministry!   
F. R. Lalor
Iowa City

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