By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger

DAVENPORT — Catholics in the Diocese of Davenport have helped raise 96% of the Annual Diocesan Appeal goal. “Forty parishes have met or exceeded their goal,” said Jennifer Praet, diocesan director of Stewardship. “Thirty-four parishes have not, but many are so close to their goal,” she noted. The next campaign begins this fall.
The appeal’s theme, “To Support Welcoming and Foster Belonging,” reflects the diocese’s synodal emphasis of welcoming and belonging. The $3.05 million goal was set to raise funds toward programs, resources and supports that benefit the faithful from the parish to diocesan level.
Some examples of the ADA benefits:
- Supports housing and maintenance of sacramental and other important parish records through the archives department.
- Supports discernment and preparation for the priesthood and diaconate through programs and continued support after priests and deacons are ordained.
- Provides marriage preparation for engaged couples and ongoing support for married couples.
- Supports faith formation and youth ministry programs.
- Offers human resources and risk management services.
- Supports background checks for all diocesan employees and volunteers in all parishes, schools and ministries in its safe environment program.
- Supports 14 Catholic schools by assisting them with state accreditation requirements along with obtaining educational services from the state and federal level.
- Processes annulments for couples.
Praet says diocesan staff have worked to reduce operational costs and seek other sources of revenue to keep the ADA at a stable level. One question she hears often: What is the difference between the Annual Diocesan Appeal and “Upon This Rock” diocesan capital campaign?
The ADA covers day-to-day costs of diocesan operations for programs and resources. The capital campaign covers long-term diocesan priorities such as retirement and health care costs for retired priests, seminary education funding and benefits for parish projects. “The ADA is essential to the mission and charitable works of the Diocese of Davenport,” she said.