Letters to the Editor – Feb. 1, 2024


Close the door to abortion
To the Editor:

As we begin a new year, let us have a new resolution. A resolution to pray without ceasing, fervently and relentlessly, as we witness and work to end abortion.

Let us resolve to make sure every baby, no matter the circumstances, has the chance for life. Let us resolve that 2024 will be the year that we as Catholics lead the way through prayer and witness to see an end to abortion. Yes on God’s timing. God is waiting for us to take the lead. Too many beautiful (unborn) babies created in the image of God have died at the Emma Goldman Clinic in Iowa City. We as Christians, we as Catholics must say with great courage, conviction and boldness: “No more abortions in our community.” God is calling us to be the voice of change. Let’s close the door in 24!
Paul Breitbach
Iowa City

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