Letter to the Editor: Commit to improve the Church


To the Editor:
Circumstances are more difficult for Catholics, indeed for all Christians and all believers, when our culture experiences a crisis of faith. The rise in the number of people in recent years who describe their religion as “none” is alarming.

I can’t help but note the correlation between declining faith and societal problems. Note the rise in school shootings and other gun violence. Note the rise in crime, drug abuse and homelessness. Note the increasing cases of depression and loneliness. Note the lack of respect for others manifested in acts of hatred against Jews, Asians, the pro-life community and those we write off as misfits. How is this world without God working out for us?

We all have friends and acquaintances who have left the Church. Our response should not be to get in anyone’s face about it. Catholics must commit to improving the Church. We must be open to reforming the Church in a manner consistent with God’s will. We must remember that the word “Gospel” means good news. Bearers of good news are not negative. They persevere despite setbacks and disappointments. They are good ambassadors for Christ. They keep praying, remembering Christian hope and forgiveness. The rest is in the hands of God.
Mike Streb
Iowa City

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