To the Editor:
I was inspired by St. Ambrose University-Davenport’s celebration of 10 years of the papacy of Pop Francis. The presentations had a repeated theme: the pope’s efforts to complete the work left undone following Vatican II and efforts by some to reject Vatican II. The speakers cited much of what we learned from our diocesan Synod listening sessions: the Church is not welcoming to everyone and some remain marginalized and cut off. We also have imbalances in leadership between men and women and we do not communicate well. Our youths are turned off by the attitudes of many of their elders, many Catholics lack an understanding of Catholic social teaching and a need to come together to address these issues. Speaker Anthony Annett, the author of “Cathonomics” who previously worked for the International Monetary Fund, said, “The main problem is that we have lost sight of God and must catechize the faithful.” We have work to do.
Glenn Leach, volunteer
Social Action and Immigration Office
Diocese of Davenport