Readers’ Opinions
To the Editor:
Just dropping words of appreciation regarding Father Thom Hennen’s “Question Box” section of The Catholic Messenger. Well done, Father Thom, and the touch of humor you have added makes it a “must read” in the Osborne home. Sherry and I read the latest column aloud at the breakfast table giggling with delight. Visions of chainsaw processions and armies of walkers and wheel chairs danced in our head.
On a related note, Father Thom, you mentioned the GIRM is “prescriptive.” If only it was a bit more restrictive in certain things. I know we can’t come up with a massive list of things “not to do,” but it sure would have been helpful 40+ years ago when a certain altar server thought it would be a good idea to attempt an “around the world” with an antiquated thurible. Visions of ducking parishioners under the arc of a frankincense comet comes to mind. If only the GIRM included “do not do an around the world with the thurible.”
Deacon John Osborne
St. Mary Parish, Grinnell