A New Catholic’s Guide to Praying the Rosary

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In Catholicism, the rosary refers to a set of prayers said on specific days of the week and times of the year. It might also refer to the symbolic string with knots and beads that are used by Catholic Christians while reciting various prayers.

Either way, praying the rosary means knowing which prayers to pray, when, and how. In many instances, it also means reciting the prayers with the physical representation of “the rosary” or prayer beads.

Whether you’ve just become a catholic or you’re at least considering it, one of the first things you will want to know is how to pray the rosary. Read on for inspiration on why you should pray the rosary in the first place, how to do it, and its historical significance in the Catholic faith.

Significance of the Rosary in Catholic Faith

According to Catholic belief, the rosary is a means of prayer that helps the faithful to follow one of Christ’s biggest teachings to his disciples, “Always pray and don’t give up” as outlined in Luke 18. The rosary is a way to pray the prayers of the holy apostles that was originally established by the Blessed Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus.


Besides being credited with starting the prayer practice known as the Liturgy of the Hours, The Holy Virgin Mary is also said to have appeared to the legendary Dominicans’ founder St. Dominic in the 13th century where she gave him a rosary and instructed that Christians use it to recite various prayers. These included the Hail Mary, Our Father, and Glory Be prayers instead of the Psalms.

Including these, below are some of the common prayers recited using the rosary in this age and day.

  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • The Apostles’ Creed
  • Hail Mary
  • Glory Be

As a set of prayers, the rosary is designed to help believers build themselves spiritually and invite Christ into their lives. It’s a means to guide believers in the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for his ministry. The rosary is also a good way to bring their souls closer to God.

It has for centuries been considered proper and desirable to pray the rosary for our souls to remain pure and for our churches and others to bear witness to God’s saving grace.

Where to Buy Rosaries

The knotted and beaded accessory with a crucifix at the bottom is a crucial component when reciting catholic rosary prayers. Not only that, praying with a rosary has often been associated with increased peace of mind as you get closer to Christ and become one with the church.

And when you recite prayers using your rosary, it’s easier to learn to focus more on God and better understand his will in your life. This also means that getting a rosary is one of the most important things to consider as a new catholic preparing to get started with rosary recitals.

Thankfully, many sites stock beautiful rosaries online these days from where you can purchase the iconic Catholicism emblem without having to leave the comfort of your home or church. They are also available in a diverse range of styles and designs that you can choose from to suit your specifications and preferences.

Must Know Aspects of Praying the Rosary

As mentioned earlier, praying the rosary involves various prayers, and is often done using the rosary beads. The symbolic rosary typically has the crucifix, several beads, and knots. As a Catholic, the first and perhaps the most important prayer to learn is the Apostles’ Creed

  • Apostles Creed: Done while holding the cross/crucifix after making the sign of the cross. This prayer is common in Sunday Masses and other congregations.
  • Our Father: There’s another large bead next to the crucifix, often held when reciting the Lord’s Prayer, or “Our Father”, which is said every day.
  • Hail Mary: Next, there are three small beads that represent praying Hail Mary three consecutive times. It’s among the most common prayers in Masses in catholic and Anglican gatherings.

Glory Be: This is often used to conclude the main prayers with an Amen and is done

  • when holding the chain.

Praying the rosary can be a bit daunting for any new entrant into Catholicism. There are many prayers to recite and crucial steps to follow, especially when using the rosary beads. This is perhaps why catholic Christians receive mentorship from a very young age.

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