Bishop Thomas Zinkula talks about some of his conversations with youths and young adult Catholics – and what matters to them.
This segment was produced and recorded at KALA Radio Studios, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa, USA.
Renew Our Hearts, copyright 2019 by Joe Mattingly. All rights reserved.
Published by NS Publications, 2325 James St., #11, Coralville, IA 52241.
Email: Voice/text: 319-331-8812.
For rights and reprint information, contact the publisher.
Recorded at Holy Mountain Studios, Coralville, IA.
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Today I came across the Episodes 34-35 of What makes and breaks our hearts. I realize I’m late in listening to these as they seemed to be before Easter and it is now June. Because of tardiness, I’m thinking it won’t be read and that’s ok. I’m not good at saying what is in my heart and mind but will try. I want to say I enjoyed and appreciated being able to listen “hear” you, Bishop, outside of Liturgies (I enjoy that also) however I heard today and appreciate the clarity you speak about issues, the honesty, the heartfelt way I hear you explain about “listening and really hearing each other” the gentle way in which your understandings are explained and putting ideas in prospective. I guess the Holy Spirit guided me to hear this today, rather than earlier,
A great idea to pose the questions to Confirmation youth and collage youth. What about though, the many young people who have just graduated, have been Confirmed and college hasn’t begun yet?
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