Women are significant in the Bible


To the Editor:

I was a little bothered by Professor Matthew Coomber’s interpretation of Exodus 1:8-22 in the June 10 issue of The Cath­olic Messenger, so I reread that passage.

Coomber says there was no rationale for Pharaoh’s fear of the Hebrews. However, the Navarre Bible commentary says that Pharaoh regarded himself as a god while the Hebrews worshipped the one true God, not him. Aren’t dictators naturally afraid of those who won’t summit?

Prof. Coomber says that women are named rarely in the Old Testament. I disagree. Women are named and they are significant, even heroic. For example, the prostitute Rahab saved the Hebrew spies, who in turn, saved her and her family when her city was destroyed. Queen Esther saved her people from the king and the devious counselor to the king. Judith cut off the enemy general’s head. The loyal and hardworking Ruth stayed with her mother-in-law, Naomi, instead of returning to her native land and King David was her descendant. (Coomber responds: “Your reader is pointing out the sorts of rare and important examples that my opinion piece said we should pay attention to.”)


I do agree that we should apply ancient truths today, such as trust in God. Ship’rah and Pu’ah risked their lives in defying Pharaoh. Likewise, David Daleiden with his 2015 videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s barbaric torture and killing of prenatal children risked his freedom and finances.

As the Catechism (No. 2489) states, “No one is bound to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it.” May we all have trust in God enough to do the right thing even at personal risk.

Bev Heidgerken

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