Put an end to abortion


To the Editor:

We are all human beings made by God. He made us to know him, to love him and to serve him. He gave us the Ten Commandments to follow so we could stay on the right track in order to reach heaven and him. But have we?

No, we have not.

The Fifth Commandment is “thou shalt not kill.” Yet almost every day there is a report in the newspaper or on TV news of someone being killed or of a mass murder that took places in one of our cities.


Even worse than that is the murder of innocent, unborn babies in the wombs of their mothers. The U.S. Supreme Court made abortion legal. The judges wanted us to believe they knew right from wrong. Well, they did not. Abortion is the most heinous crime. Over 62 million babies have been killed since 1973. How can anyone kill a tiny unborn baby? The unborn baby’s tiny arms and legs are pulled off. Their head is crushed. The unborn baby suffers intense pain. We must put an end to abortion. The guilty ones need to repent — ask for God’s forgiveness — before it is too late. The world has a lot to answer for. We, Americans, have a lot to answer for.

Ruth Weber

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