Members of the Catholic Service Board and representatives of the Kahl Home in Davenport attend a luncheon June 2 at the Outing Club in Davenport.
By Anne Marie Amacher
The Catholic Messenger
DAVENPORT — The Catholic Service Board (CSB) held its 70+1 anniversary June 2 during the annual spring Mass and luncheon. The event was held at the Outing Club. Linda Redington, publicity director, said last year’s event was canceled due to the coronavirus. So this year the group celebrated its 70th anniversary, plus one more year. Bishop Thomas Zinkula presided at Mass and Father Robert McAleer, a retired priest of the diocese, concelebrated. Eighty-five sustaining members, new members and representatives of the Kahl Home attended.
The mission of the Catholic Service Board is to serve the Kahl Home and other community charities. The organization began as an auxiliary of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Davenport to visit the elderly and homebound. Members also took children living at the St. Vincent Center in Davenport to doctor and dental appointments. The auxiliary separated from Catholic Charities and formed the Catholic Service Board in 1950. Support for the Kahl Home began when it opened in 1955. The Catholic Service Board operates Cinderella’s Cellar, a resale shop in Davenport, which is the primary fund-raising operation.
At the anniversary luncheon, outgoing president Rose Hoenig recognized Georgia Klein and Jan McCabe for 30 years of service. Organizers also recognized executive board members from the past two years and read a summary of accomplishments.
Despite COVID, Redington said the organization donated money each month to pay for flowers for residents’ birthdays. Pandemic restrictions prevented parties, however. “We also gave money to the activity department for supplies since they had to change from group activities to individual activities.”
Typically, the Kahl Home provides a wish list to the Catholic Service Board each fall; that did not happen last year. The home is in the process of remodeling to add assisted living units, “So that will be a big financial need,” Redington said.
Some past projects the Catholic Service Board has helped pay for include an aviary, fish tank for the nursing units, special pressure-relieving air mattresses, resident transfer lifts, lift chairs, wheelchairs and a transit van.
Prior to COVID-19, members of the Catholic Service Board helped with bingo, crafts, birthday parties, luncheons, mobile cart, social activities and more. Those activities have not resumed.
Board officers for 2021-22 are Kristyn Tjaden, president; Stephanie Eckhardt, vice president; Rose Hoenig, past president; Jan Ebert, secretary; Nancy Goldsmith, corresponding secretary; Kathy Burman, treasurer; and Jackie Matthys, assistant treasurer. Membership totals 101 women. The board meets monthly to discuss projects. Members average six to eight hours a month in volunteer work, depending on the committee in which they are involved.
Cinderella’s Cellar, located at 230 W 35th St., Davenport, is open Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. Visit the Facebook page at “Cinderellas Cellar Resale Shop.”
For more information, or to become a member, contact Ebert at (563) 349-3868 or jmebert56 @gmail.com.