To the Editor:
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ pastoral letter on racism entitled “Open Wide our Hearts” is a call to conversion and repentance. The letter is timely as our country deals with the aftermath of Derek Chauvin’s court trial and the sin of racism. I applaud the leadership of our bishops to speak out on this important respect life issue.
As Catholic Christians, we need to transform our hearts by encountering our Lord Jesus, especially in the holy Eucharist. By encountering the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus, we will be healed of any disrespect for human life. Do we really believe that Jesus is present in what looks like simple bread and wine? Just as the disciples encountered the risen Jesus in the breaking of the bread on the road to Emmaus, our Lord will burn away the stubble of sin in our hearts as we encounter him in the holy Eucharist.
When our hearts are transformed by Jesus in the holy Eucharist, we will recognize him in the born and unborn, black and white, Catholic and non-Catholic, rich and poor, man and woman, young and old, Democrat and Republican, citizen and non-citizen, and imprisoned and free. If we truly recognize him in the holy Eucharist, we will serve him by serving others. Let our hearts be stretched so the new wine of the Holy Spirit can overflow with selfless love toward our neighbors. May the Spirit blow away the scales that blind us to the plight and hurt of others. May the heavenly waters of the Spirit wash us and flow through us so others may experience Jesus through our selfless acts of love and charity. At every Mass may we approach Jesus with open hearts. If we do, our world will be set on fire by the love of God.
Mike Gannon
St. Thomas More Parish