To the Editor:
As regards the discussion on the morality of vaccines, specifically the COVID-19 vaccine, I would like to point out that one aspect that seems to be overlooked is the call to promote the production of ethically produced vaccines (i.e. those that are developed and produced without using aborted cell lines). This is one area where Catholics can concretely support values in medical research and therapy that are respectful of the dignity of life. By doing so, in the future, we may have a choice to receive a vaccine that is produced ethically, and not have to worry about any connection to aborted cell lines.
We have an excellent resource right in our diocese through the John Paul II Medical Research Institute (JP2MRI). They are located in Coralville and are currently working on COVID-19 vaccine research, among other things.
I would like to encourage fellow Catholics to learn more about how institutions such as JP2MRI are working on ethical cures and treatments and to support them through donations, prayers and advocacy. Their website is
Father Joseph Sia
Iowa City