To the Editor:
So many people have mental angst over the dilemma, “What should we give up for Lent?” The old standbys are immediately tossed about — chocolates, ice cream, even beer and social media. One thing I wish, even after Easter, is that we Catholics (and others) would focus instead on “counting our blessings” and endeavoring to elevate goals the whole year around. I find, in modern times, the sacrifices of Lent have largely lost their sacrificial meaning. Some well-intentioned people give suggestions such as, “Read to a child” or “Be a mentor.” All that is well and good. Yet, in my view, we as individuals should do something with no strings attached and no holiday necessary to improve our own character as well as the community and world around us. I have family in the Davenport area and have suggested the same thing to them.
James Marples
Longview, Texas