Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our diocese will take up the national collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) on Nov. 21 and 22. Your support for this collection helps bring change to communities across the country and empower those living in poverty to transform the places where they live into reflections of the Kingdom of God. In addition to making an impact nationally, those living in poverty in our own diocese are empowered through the 25% share of our collection that stays here.
A group in our diocese received national CCHD grant funds designated to help churches support the basic, yet important work of promoting involvement in the 2020 Census. It hosted a bi-partisan people’s caucus and a tree-planting project lead by local faith leaders. Another local group in the diocese received a national CCHD grant that afforded a young adult Catholic an internship opportunity to address economic injustices, including wage theft, experienced by folks living and working in poverty.
Efforts elsewhere in the country include support for pregnant women and struggling families with young children who require assistance with their material and spiritual needs. This is especially true for low-income Hispanic women because linguistic and cultural differences pose unique challenges for pregnancy volunteers and pastoral ministers.
Also, in the Dioceses of Yakima and Spokane in central and eastern Washington your generosity to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development helps a group called PREPARES to minister to large and vibrant Hispanic communities. By training Spanish-speaking and bilingual volunteers and coordinators, and through developing Spanish-language materials, PREPARES offers support groups, family companions, and parent/child learning and play groups that assist vulnerable families in a context of respect for the unique cultural needs of Hispanic families. With your contribution, Spanish-speaking families are strengthened and nourished at the parish level in these dioceses.
Your support for this collection makes a difference for pregnant women and families living in poverty across the United States. Please prayerfully consider helping CCHD this year. If you would like more information about the collection and the people it supports, visit, or contact our Social Action Office,
Thank you for joining our work on the margins.
Sincerely in Christ,
Bishop Thomas Zinkula
Bishop of Davenport