By Deacon Mark Comer
Working for a hospital in a pandemic has led me to considerable and continued reflection regarding my actions. Effectively, it has physically separated me from my friends, parish and a lot of my family for this past spring and summer as I’ve worried what I might unintentionally spread to those I care for.
I’ve spoken with my sister and brothers and we’ve decided not to gather for the holidays this year. Our families are scattered around the state and though we haven’t seen one another for the entirety of the pandemic, we care enough for one another to wait for better days. And there will be better days.
Everyone is tired of this pandemic but, with colder temperatures arriving and activities moving indoors, our health professionals are warning this is not the time to let our guard down. I’ve heard many people away from the hospital dismiss concern for the virus, doubting that they will personally suffer any effects. As Christians, that approach is not how we make our decisions.
No one can know how their own body will react to this virus, but we all know many people have become very ill and have even died. Regardless of what our own body’s reaction might or might not be, we could become responsible for passing on the virus to someone who could become seriously ill or die. Accepting that knowledge is paramount to making safe choices this season. I think of it this way; I don’t want to be the person that infects and causes harm to any person or their family, so I presume I’m a potential spreader and I try to keep others safe from me. Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. Matthew 7:12.
(Deacon Mark Comer is a member of St. Joseph Parish, DeWitt.)