To the Editor:
At times we feel as if visited by the plagues of Egypt.
At times we feel as if subjected to the trials of Job.
Such times try the souls of women and men.
But be not afraid, this too will pass.
Be kind, be patient, be calm.
Take solace and joy in the wonders and diversity of creation.
These things are not diminished.
These things are exalted in time of trial.
Contemplate the magnificence of snowflakes and stars.
The fragrance of flowers.
The affection of puppies.
The adorable loveliness of babies.
The quiet dignity of mothers who love them.
The universal innocence of children.
Give praise and thanks to the author of creation.
Love and help the poor, the oppressed, the stranger.
In our own distress, do we not pray for relief?
Take time to make part of the world better.
Take time to appreciate all that is good.
Daniel Daly
Iowa City