A call for more encouragement


To the editor:

It was with extreme sadness that I read The Catholic Messenger’s Sept. 24 article lionizing Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In the article, Ginsburg was memorialized for being a trailblazer, but only one sentence out of many mentioned her work supporting abortion/infanticide and her assaults on the sacrament of marriage.

Sadly, I am often disappointed when I read The Catholic Messenger. Instead of clear answers, I feel that I have been treated to an endless stream of nonsense about everything but our faith. Some facts about most Catholics (based on what I had read): nearly two-thirds don’t believe in the real presence, 90% use contraceptives, 70% don’t go to Mass weekly, 64% see nothing wrong with homosexuality and similar numbers cohabitate before marriage. Pornography and other addictions are at epidemic levels.

How refreshing it would be if we the laity were treated to encouragement, truth and answers to the problems affecting us. Maybe even Catholic stuff like calls to daily prayer, penance, saying the rosary, encouragement to read the Bible, clear explanations to difficult teachings like contraception, steps to beat addictions, the importance of regular confession, etc.


I wonder how many people in states of mortal sin do great violence to our Lord and receive Communion unworthily? I pray for this diocese to speak up and truly be the bride of Christ. Society desperately needs her.

Luke Neuser

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