Participate in the 2020 Census

The 2020 Census is underway and the Diocese of Davenport encourages full participation for the well-being of people and their communities. Parish and school leaders are invited to help spread the word.
Between now and April 3, the Census Bureau will send a reminder postcard to households that have not yet responded to the survey, which asks basic, easy-to-complete questions. A reminder letter and paper questionnaire will arrive in the mail April 8-16 and a final reminder postcard April 20-27. All responses are confidential. A Census worker will visit households that have not responded by the end of April to complete the survey.
The Census affects resources and representation for communities over the next 10 years, which is why every household should participate. Heads of household can complete the census information online, by phone or on paper. Responses are secure and protected by federal law, and there is no citizenship question. Every person living in the household, including children, needs to be counted. Full participation helps to achieve an accurate count.
For more information, visit the website 2020CENSUS.GOV.
Find out more about each of these methods for responding below:


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