The Catholic Messenger adds new platform to share the Good News

David Baker/KALA Radio
Bishop Thomas Zinkula and Barb Arland-Fye prepare to record a podcast for Catholic Messenger Conversations in conjuction with KALA Radio at St. Ambrose University in Davenport.

By Barb Arland-Fye
The Catholic Messenger

Who doesn’t enjoy listening to a recorded conversation that educates, inspires and entertains, especially at your convenience?

There’s a word to describe these conversations available at your fingertips — “podcasts” — digital audio files that you can listen to in your car or on your smart-phone, laptop or desktop computer.

If the Apostle Paul lived in our times he might have used podcasts as one way to spread the joy of the Gospel. Keeping that in mind, we’ve introduced Catholic Messenger Conversations, a new podcast to draw listeners into the issues and adventures that impact Catholics in our diocese.


Our first podcast featured a conversation with Bishop Thomas Zinkula about his experience participating in RAGBRAI, the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, which included chuckles along with insights!

“I was a little nervous participating in the first CM podcast, but it actually was kind of fun. I recognize that this is an important means of communication in this day and age,” Bishop Zinkula said.

The bishop’s Labor Day canoeing adventure with college students and Father Jeff Belger, priest director of the Newman Catholic Student Center at the University of Iowa campus, provided the material for our second podcast. It has been shared by students and other folks.

Father Thom Hennen, campus chaplain at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, and student Megan Grady gave listeners the inside scoop on campus ministry for the third podcast.

We’ve got more in the works: including an upcoming conversation about vocations with Father Joseph Sia, the diocese’s director of vocations.

St. Ambrose University Radio Station KALA and its director, Dave Baker, make it possible to produce Catholic Messenger Conversations podcasts. Dave records and edits the podcasts for a polished production at the studio.

Baker says that podcasts “have become popular as a way for radio stations to complement the traditional listening experience. They are perfect for the listener who wants a little bit more and they can take the podcasts anywhere.”

KALA has embarked on a new segment on 88.5 FM called “The Podcast Block” that features podcasts produced at KALA studios. Among the lineup are Catholic Messenger Conversations, which air the first Sunday of the month at 5 p.m.

We’ll keep you posted on the latest Catholic Messenger Conversations. In the meantime, take a listen at

If you have an idea to pitch for a future Catholic Messenger Conversations podcast, contact or We’re all ears!

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