DAVENPORT — St. Ambrose University is hosting a College of Health and Human Services Open House on Nov. 10 from 2-4 p.m. at the Center for Health Sciences Education at 1320 W. Lombard St.
Guests can attend sessions that will discuss opportunities in many health and human fields, the application processes, speak with program representatives, and tour the Center for Health Sciences Education Building.
The event is geared for prospective students and their families, but anyone can attend.
There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.
Guests are encouraged to pre-register at our event page at http://www.sau.edu/chhs-open-house or register the same day, on-site, from 1:30 -2 p.m.
Contact Jenny Ferrell for more information: FerrellJenniferB@sau.edu, (563) 333-6008, or http://www.sau.edu/chhs-open-house