To the Editor:
In an article on the Amazon synod in the Oct. 3 issue of The Catholic Messenger, Archbishop Rafael Cob of the Diocese of Puyo in Ecuador is quoted as saying, “logically the church is looking for new methods to respond to concrete challenges.” He goes on to suggest married priests as a solution. What is “logical” about that? For him to even suggest that troubles me. It seems a “lazy” solution to problems in many faiths today, not only Catholic.
Perhaps Bishop Cob could listen to our Vision 20/20 sessions online to see that what is needed is old-fashioned evangelization, sharing our faith stories and accompanying those struggling to return. Why would the people in the Amazon need a different solution than what we are working on in the 21st century, which pretty much follows what the early Christians did?
I pray for our wonderful and faithful priests and religious who are committed to their vows and I pray that the pope and bishops this week will present the teachings of the church in their fullness and let the Holy Spirit reign. I trust Jesus has the “concrete challenges” in the Amazon figured out already. Let’s listen! I think Jesus knew what he was doing 2,000 years ago.
Gerry Garles