To the Editor:
In The Catholic Messenger’s Sept. 19 story about Iowa farming and “climate action” it is apparent that the initiatives proposed have very little to do with the average Catholic farmer in the diocese. As Bishop Thomas Zinkula observed regarding his own farming family, most farmers in Iowa (Catholic and non-Catholic alike) are good stewards of the earth. The well-being of their family depends upon it.
With all respect to Mr. Matt Russell of the Iowa IPL, a 100-acre farm that raises organic produce is not emblematic of the average farmer in Iowa. Technologies in genetics, GMO, pesticides and farm machinery have enabled farmers to safely feed the world while using less fuel per acre (greater machinery efficiency and less field passes with it due to GMO and safer pesticides) with overall acres in production decreasing. The photo on the front page of a “corn harvester” is a 35-year-old combine harvesting millet — this alone illustrates how out of touch the press and activists are with modern farming operations.
My faith in God and honor of his word reminds me that I have a responsibility to be a good steward of his gifts. My faith also prompts me to be ever aware that there are parts of my existence that are out of my control and that I must be vigilant in my observation of his will and lead a life as taught by Christ.
For in the end God’s will be done, not mine.Paul Falck
(Editor’s note: The photo caption that The Catholic Messenger received from its news service contained incorrect information about the farm machinery and field.)